# Preprocessing 1) DBpedia Version: 03-2021 is obtained. 2) Ttriples with literals are removed 3) Triples that do not have the namespace dbo or dbr, are removed 4) Remaning Triples are materialized. ------------------- Description of Dataset DBpedia ------------------- Number of entities: 114,747,963 Number of relations: 13,906 Number of triples on train set: 375,900,264 # Knowledge Graph Embeddings We applied QMult knowledge graph embedding model (https://proceedings.mlr.press/v157/demir21a.html) Please refer to HowToExtractEntityEmbeddings and HowToExtractRelationEmbeddings files for extracting embeddings with indexes. # Contact For any questions or suggestions, please contact: caglar.demir@upb.de or caglardemir8@gmail.com.de