5 alpha reduc■ t■ ase deficiency ab■ domin■ al a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m ab■ domin■ al cram■ ps ab■ domin■ al obesity ab■ domin■ al pain ab■ domin■ al pregnancy ab■ domin■ al trauma abduc■ ens nerve pal■ sy aberr■ ant sub■ cl■ avian artery ab■ le■ phar■ on abortion ab■ r■ achi■ a abra■ sion abs■ c■ ess ac■ al■ cu■ lia ac■ anth■ ol■ ysis ac■ ari■ asis ac■ at■ al■ asia accessory aur■ ic■ le accessory sp■ leen ac■ er■ ul■ op■ las■ min■ emia ace■ tab■ ular frac■ ture ach■ ard – thi■ ers syndrome achilles tend■ initi■ s achilles tend■ on rupture ach■ lor■ hy■ dri■ a ach■ on■ dro■ genesis ach■ or smith syndro■ m ach■ y■ lia aci■ do■ sis ac■ ne a■ esti■ val■ is ac■ ne cosme■ tica acous■ tic neuro■ ma ac■ ran■ ia acro■ cal■ los■ al syndrome acro■ cephal■ o■ syn■ d■ ac■ ty■ lia acro■ cyan■ osis acro■ der■ mati■ tis enter■ opath■ ica acro■ ker■ at■ osis par■ ane■ op■ las■ tica of baz■ ex acro■ ker■ at■ osis ver■ ru■ ci■ form■ is acro■ me■ gal■ y acro■ pa■ res■ the■ sia ac■ ry■ oc■ y■ sti■ tis o■ ste■ o■ po■ i■ ki■ losis syndrome acute ab■ dom■ en acute bron■ chi■ tis acute coron■ ary syndrome acute kidney injury acute mon■ oc■ y■ tic leuk■ emia acute radiation syndrome acute stress disorder ad■ ams – st■ okes syndrome aden■ oma aden■ o■ virus infection ad■ er■ mato■ gly■ phia adhe■ sion adhe■ sions of uter■ us adjustment disorder ad■ re■ no■ cor■ tical carcin■ oma adverse drug reaction aerop■ ha■ gia ag■ al■ acti■ a aggressive fi■ bro■ mat■ osis ag■ or■ ap■ ho■ bia ag■ ry■ p■ nia exc■ it■ ata aids pho■ bie air embol■ ism ak■ ath■ is■ ia al amy■ lo■ ido■ sis al■ bin■ ism al■ bright ' s hereditary o■ ste■ od■ y■ stro■ phy alcoholic halluc■ in■ osis alcoholic psycho■ sis alcoholism alexander disease al■ k■ alo■ sis allergic rh■ initi■ s al■ op■ ec■ ia alpha man■ no■ sid■ osis al■ port syndrome al■ ström syndrome altitude sickness al■ ve■ oli■ tis am■ au■ ro■ sis fu■ ga■ x am■ elo■ bl■ ast■ oma amino acid transport disorder am■ ni■ otic band syndrome am■ ni■ otic fluid embol■ ism anal■ ges■ ic ne■ ph■ ro■ pa■ thy an■ ap■ hy■ lax■ is an■ as■ ar■ ca an■ embryonic gest■ ation an■ eu■ plo■ id■ y an■ eur■ ys■ m ang■ ina pec■ tor■ is an■ gi■ odys■ pl■ asia an■ gi■ oma an■ gi■ om■ y■ oli■ po■ ma an■ gi■ os■ ar■ coma animal pho■ bia anis■ akis anis■ ei■ k■ onia anis■ oc■ oria an■ ky■ lo■ stom■ i■ asis an■ oph■ thal■ mia an■ op■ sia an■ orch■ ia ano■ rec■ tal abs■ c■ ess an■ ore■ x■ ia an■ org■ as■ mia an■ os■ mia an■ ov■ ulation an■ te■ par■ tum haemorrha■ ge an■ terior inter■ osse■ ous syndrome anthropo■ pho■ bia ant■ ley bi■ x■ ler syndrome an■ ur■ ia an■ us disease a■ or■ tic dis■ section ap■ ert syndrome ap■ ha■ k■ ia ap■ ha■ sia ap■ hon■ ia ap■ la■ sia cu■ tis con■ gen■ ita ap■ ra■ x■ ia aqu■ agen■ ic pr■ ur■ it■ us aqu■ agen■ ic ur■ tic■ aria ar■ ach■ no■ d■ ac■ ty■ ly ar■ ach■ no■ id cyst ar■ ach■ no■ pho■ bia ar■ cu■ ate uter■ us arg■ y■ ria ar■ hin■ encephal■ y arnold chi■ ari mal■ formation arsenic poisoning arter■ io■ ven■ ous f■ ist■ ula arter■ i■ tis ar■ thro■ sis of hip as■ cites as■ om■ at■ og■ no■ sia asper■ ger syndrome asper■ gil■ lo■ ma asper■ mia as■ phy■ x■ ia aspiration as■ plen■ ia ast■ eri■ x■ is asteroid hy■ alo■ sis astro■ cy■ tom■ a as■ y■ stole at■ ax■ ia at■ ax■ ia tel■ an■ gi■ ec■ ta■ sia at■ elect■ asis a■ ther■ oma athe■ to■ sis atlan■ to■ ax■ ial su■ blu■ x■ ation atri■ al fl■ utter atro■ ph■ ic rh■ initi■ s atro■ ph■ ic spots of skin atypical tri■ gem■ inal ne■ ur■ al■ gia a■ ura au■ tism auto■ immune disease auto■ som■ al dominant cere■ bell■ ar at■ ax■ ia av no■ dal re■ entr■ ant t■ ach■ y■ car■ dia az■ o■ or az■ o■ tem■ ia az■ y■ gos lo■ be bab■ in■ ski – n■ age■ otte syndrome b■ abo■ on syndrome bac■ ill■ ary an■ gi■ om■ at■ osis bacter■ emia bacterial vag■ in■ osis baker ' s cyst balan■ o■ pos■ thi■ tis ballistic trauma bar■ o■ trauma bar■ ra■ quer – sim■ ons syndrome bar■ th■ olin ' s cyst bas■ al cell carcin■ oma basi■ l■ ar skull frac■ ture bas■ ophi■ lia beau ' s lines bec■ ker ' s nev■ us bec■ ker my■ o■ ton■ ia be■ j■ el bene■ di■ kt syndrome benign pro■ static hyper■ pl■ asia ben■ nett ' s frac■ ture bernard sou■ lier syndrome beta man■ no■ sid■ osis . be■ zo■ ar bez■ old ' s abs■ c■ ess bick■ er■ staff ' s en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis bi■ fid ri■ b bi■ li■ ary col■ ic bi■ li■ ru■ bin■ ur■ ia binge drinking binge eating disorder bi■ partite tal■ us birth trauma bite black eye blad■ der ex■ stro■ phy bleeding bl■ ister blood plat■ elet disease bl■ oun■ t ' s disease blow■ out frac■ ture blue nev■ us body dys■ morph■ ic disorder body od■ or bo■ er■ ha■ ave syndrome boil bone cancer bone cyst bone frac■ ture bon■ net – dec■ hau■ me – blanc syndrome bö■ ö■ k syndrome boom■ er■ ang dys■ pl■ asia bor■ det■ ella bron■ chis■ ep■ tica bou■ chard ' s no■ des bow■ en ' s disease br■ ach■ y■ d■ ac■ ty■ ly br■ ach■ y■ met■ at■ ar■ sia brad■ y■ k■ ine■ sia brad■ y■ p■ ne■ a brain death brain e■ dem■ a brain her■ ni■ ation bra■ inst■ em disease bran■ chi■ oo■ to■ ren■ al syndrome bra■ x■ ton hic■ ks contraction breast ph■ yl■ lo■ des tumor breast ul■ tras■ ound bre■ ech birth brody my■ opathy bro■ m■ hi■ dro■ sis bro■ mis■ m bron■ chi■ oli■ tis bron■ ch■ om■ al■ ac■ ia bron■ chop■ ul■ mon■ ary dys■ pl■ asia bru■ gia malay■ i bru■ gia ti■ mor■ i bru■ ise bundle branch block b■ union bun■ yam■ w■ era virus buried bump■ er syndrome burn burning mouth syndrome bur■ ping c■ ach■ ex■ ia café au la■ it spot caff■ eine dependence calci■ phy■ lax■ is california en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis virus call■ us camp■ to■ d■ ac■ ty■ ly camp■ y■ lob■ ac■ ter■ i■ osis can■ av■ an disease cancer cancer of unknown primary origin cap■ lan ' s syndrome cap■ ut med■ us■ ae cap■ ut succe■ dan■ eu■ m car■ bun■ cle carcin■ o■ id cardiac asthma cardiac syndrome x cardi■ om■ eg■ al■ y cardiovascular disease care■ y fin■ eman z■ iter syndrome caro■ ten■ osis caro■ ti■ d artery sten■ osis caro■ ti■ d sin■ us hy■ pers■ ensi■ tivity car■ po■ me■ tac■ ar■ pal o■ ste■ o■ ar■ thri■ tis carri■ on ' s disease cast■ lem■ an ' s disease catal■ ep■ sy cat■ ap■ l■ ex■ y cat■ at■ onia cat■ at■ onic schizophrenia cat eye syndrome c■ aud■ al regression syndrome cau■ lif■ lower ear cem■ ent■ obl■ ast■ oma central nervous system vas■ cu■ li■ tis central ser■ ous re■ tin■ opathy cephal■ ic presentation cephal■ o■ hem■ atom■ a cere■ bell■ ar de■ generation cere■ br■ al con■ tu■ sion cere■ br■ al hemorrha■ ge cere■ br■ al oe■ dem■ a cere■ br■ al salt wasting syndrome cere■ bro■ tend■ inous x■ an■ thom■ at■ osis cere■ bro■ vascular disease cer■ vari■ x cer■ vic■ al frac■ ture cer■ vic■ al ri■ b cer■ vic■ al syndrome cer■ vi■ co■ br■ achi■ al ne■ ur■ al■ gia cer■ vi■ x erosion charge syndrome char■ le■ vo■ ix s■ agu■ en■ ay sp■ astic at■ ax■ ia char■ ley horse ch■ ei■ losis chemical burn chem■ osis chem■ otherapy induced ac■ ral er■ y■ them■ a chest trauma che■ y■ ne – st■ okes respir■ ation chi■ kun■ gun■ ya chil■ bl■ ains child syndrome ch■ lam■ y■ dia infection chlor■ ac■ ne chol■ ur■ ia ch■ on■ dro■ bl■ ast■ oma ch■ on■ dro■ ma cho■ re■ o■ athe■ to■ sis chor■ o■ id plex■ us cyst chor■ o■ id plex■ us pap■ il■ lo■ ma ch■ rom■ hi■ dro■ sis chronic bron■ chi■ tis chronic pain chronic par■ oxy■ sm■ al hemic■ ran■ ia chronic thyro■ idi■ tis chronic ven■ ous in■ sufficiency ch■ y■ lo■ thor■ ax ci■ guat■ era circul■ atory shock clau■ dic■ ation clau■ stro■ pho■ bia cla■ vic■ le frac■ ture cle■ ft lip and cle■ ft pal■ ate clim■ ac■ ter■ ic clinical v■ amp■ ir■ ism cl■ it■ or■ om■ eg■ al■ y cluster headache clu■ t■ tering co■ arc■ tation of the a■ or■ ta coc■ cy■ dy■ nia co■ en■ u■ ro■ sis coffin low■ ry syndrome co■ ital cephal■ al■ gia cold stimulus headache col■ ic colo■ rec■ tal cancer colo■ rec■ tal poly■ p coma commo■ tio cord■ is compul■ sive act con■ cus■ sion conduc■ tive hearing loss con■ dy■ lo■ m con■ dy■ lo■ ma cone dy■ stro■ phy con■ genital anomaly of the gen■ italia con■ genital dis■ location of the knee con■ genital lung mal■ formation con■ genital mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic nev■ us con■ genital my■ opathy con■ genital rub■ ella syndrome con■ genital vertebr■ al anomaly con■ joined twins con■ ju■ gate gaze pal■ sy con■ or■ hy■ land con■ rad■ i – hü■ ner■ mann syndrome contrac■ ture copper deficiency copper metabol■ ism disease copper toxicity co■ pro■ phi■ lia cor■ tical dys■ pl■ asia co■ xa val■ ga co■ xa var■ a cr■ amp cran■ iop■ har■ yn■ gi■ oma cre■ tin■ ism cron■ kh■ ite canada syndrome cros■ by ' s syndrome cross■ bite cruci■ ate lig■ ament injury crush syndrome cu■ bit■ us val■ gus cu■ shing ' s disease cu■ taneous lar■ va migr■ ans cu■ taneous lymp■ ho■ id hyper■ pl■ asia cu■ taneous my■ co■ sis cyanide poisoning cyclo■ id psycho■ sis cycl■ op■ ia cylin■ dro■ ma c■ ys■ tic lymp■ han■ gi■ oma cy■ sti■ tis c■ ys■ tica cy■ sto■ ce■ le cy■ tom■ eg■ alia cy■ tom■ eg■ alo■ virus d■ are■ devil deaf■ ness de bar■ sy syndrome dec■ ap■ itation de■ compression sickness deep vein thro■ m■ bo■ sis deficiency de■ form■ ity of chest and ri■ b dehydr■ ation de■ jer■ ine – so■ tt■ as disease delayed e■ jac■ ulation delayed pu■ ber■ ty delayed sleep phase disorder deli■ ri■ um deli■ ri■ um trem■ ens delusion dementia demo■ di■ co■ sis dem■ yel■ inating disease dent ' s disease dent disease der■ man■ ys■ sus gall■ in■ ae der■ mat■ och■ al■ asis der■ mat■ om■ y■ co■ sis der■ mat■ op■ hy■ ti■ d des■ qu■ am■ ation devi■ ated sep■ tum d■ hat syndrome diabe■ tic an■ gi■ opathy diabe■ tic coma diabe■ tic ne■ ph■ ro■ pa■ thy diabe■ tic neuro■ pa■ thy diabe■ tic re■ tin■ opathy di■ aphr■ agm■ atic her■ nia di■ aphr■ agm■ atic rupture diarr■ hea diarr■ ho■ ea di■ ast■ asis rec■ ti di■ ast■ em■ atom■ ye■ lia dic■ h■ rom■ acy di■ p■ hal■ lia di■ ph■ ther■ ia di■ pl■ op■ ia di■ py■ li■ dium can■ inum infectious disease dis■ co■ id lup■ us er■ y■ them■ ato■ sus dis■ located shoulder dis■ organized schizophrenia dis■ tal radius frac■ ture dis■ tic■ hia diver■ tic■ u■ li■ tis diver■ ticul■ osis diver■ ticul■ um of kom■ mer■ ell dog bite dol■ ic■ ho■ cephal■ y domestic violence door syndrome dop■ amine responsive dy■ st■ onia drowning drug eruption drug over■ dose drug withdrawal drun■ ken■ ness dr■ usen du■ o■ den■ al at■ re■ sia du■ o■ den■ al sten■ osis du■ pu■ y■ tre■ n ' s contrac■ ture dust m■ ite allergy dwar■ f■ ism dys■ ar■ thri■ a dys■ cal■ cu■ lia dy■ schro■ mia dys■ di■ ad■ o■ cho■ k■ ine■ sia dy■ sen■ tery dys■ esthesia dys■ g■ eu■ sia dy■ sm■ en■ or■ rhe■ a dys■ me■ tri■ a dy■ sor■ th■ o■ graphy dy■ so■ smi■ a dy■ so■ ste■ os■ clerosis dy■ sp■ are■ un■ ia dy■ sp■ ha■ gia dy■ sp■ hon■ ia dys■ plastic nev■ us dy■ sp■ ne■ a dys■ prote■ in■ emia dys■ seg■ mental dys■ pl■ asia dys■ th■ ym■ ic disorder dy■ stro■ gly■ can■ opathy dy■ sur■ ia eating disorder not otherwise specified e■ bol■ a virus disease ec■ hol■ alia ec■ to■ der■ mal dys■ pl■ asia ec■ top■ ia cord■ is ec■ top■ ia l■ enti■ s ec■ topic u■ re■ ter ec■ tro■ me■ lia ecz■ ema e■ em syndrome ego dy■ st■ onic sexual orientation eisen■ m■ enger ' s syndrome electric shock electro■ ly■ te imbalance elevated trans■ amin■ ases embol■ ism embry■ o■ tomy emergence deli■ ri■ um emp■ y■ ema en■ anthem en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis encephal■ oce■ le encephalopathy due to glut 1 deficiency en■ co■ pres■ is end■ ome■ trial hyper■ pl■ asia end■ ome■ tri■ tis end■ oph■ thal■ miti■ s ent■ ro■ p■ ion enz■ ym■ opathy e■ o■ sin■ oph■ il■ ic fas■ ci■ i■ tis e■ o■ sin■ oph■ il■ ic gran■ ul■ oma ep■ end■ y■ mom■ a ep■ id■ er■ mo■ id cyst epi■ le■ ptic seizure ep■ is■ p■ adi■ as ep■ is■ tax■ is ep■ ul■ is er■ d■ heim chester disease ere■ th■ ism er■ goti■ sm er■ y■ them■ a er■ y■ them■ a ab ign■ e er■ y■ them■ a no■ do■ sum er■ y■ them■ a tox■ ic■ um ne■ on■ at■ orum er■ y■ thro■ der■ ma er■ y■ thro■ pl■ asia of qu■ ey■ rat es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli o 157 : h 7 es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al web essential fruc■ to■ sur■ ia esthe■ sion■ euro■ bl■ ast■ oma e■ wing ' s sar■ coma ex■ anthem exc■ ori■ ation disorder ex■ foli■ ation syndrome exo■ cr■ ine pan■ cre■ atic in■ sufficiency exploding head syndrome expres■ sive ap■ ha■ sia eye ache fac■ ti■ tious hypo■ gly■ cem■ ia factor v le■ iden factor xiii deficiency failed back syndrome falling false pregnancy far■ ber li■ po■ gran■ ul■ om■ at■ osis fasc■ ic■ ulation fat embol■ ism fatigue faz■ io lon■ de disease fe■ bri■ le neu■ tro■ phil■ ic der■ mat■ osis fe■ bri■ le seizure f■ ec■ al in■ contin■ ence f■ ec■ al v■ om■ iting fe■ co■ li■ th fem■ ur fi■ bul■ a ul■ na syndrome fe■ tal alcohol spectrum disorder fe■ tal alcohol syndrome fever fever of unknown origin fi■ bro■ mat■ osis fi■ bro■ muscular dys■ pl■ asia fi■ bro■ sar■ coma fi■ bro■ us dys■ pl■ asia fi■ bul■ ar hem■ im■ eli■ a fl■ ail chest flat feet flo■ ater floating harbor syndrome focal der■ mal hypo■ pl■ asia focal hand dy■ st■ onia fo■ lie à de■ ux fol■ lic■ ular lymp■ homa fol■ lic■ u■ li■ tis fol■ lic■ u■ li■ tis dec■ al■ vans food allergy foot and mouth disease foot drop foreign body foreign body gran■ ul■ oma foreign body in alim■ entary tract four■ nier gang■ rene fourth cran■ ial nerve pal■ sy fo■ ville ' s syndrome f■ reck■ le f■ regol■ i delusion fre■ i■ berg disease fried■ reich at■ ax■ ia frontal lo■ be disorder fron■ tom■ et■ ap■ hy■ seal dys■ pl■ asia fron■ to■ temporal dementia fro■ st■ bite fr■ y■ ns syndrome ga■ it ab■ normality galac■ tor■ rhe■ a galac■ to■ si■ ali■ do■ sis gale■ az■ zi frac■ ture gall■ blad■ der cancer gall■ stone game■ keeper ' s thumb gam■ ma chain deficiency gang■ lion cyst gang■ lion■ euro■ ma gang■ rene gang■ rene and necro■ sis of lung gan■ ser syndrome gar■ d■ asi■ l ga■ str■ ic an■ tr■ al vascular ec■ ta■ sia ga■ str■ ic vol■ vul■ us gastro■ intest■ inal bleeding gastro■ intest■ inal per■ for■ ation general infection general pa■ res■ is of the insane gen■ u recur■ vat■ um gen■ u val■ gum gen■ u var■ um germ cell tumor ger■ o■ der■ mia o■ ste■ odys■ plas■ tica gian■ otti – cro■ sti syndrome giant cell tumor of bone giant con■ dy■ lo■ ma acu■ min■ at■ um gig■ anti■ sm gil■ bert syndrome git■ el■ man syndrome gli■ obl■ ast■ oma multi■ forme glo■ bus phar■ yn■ gis glo■ mer■ ul■ opathy glo■ mer■ ul■ os■ clerosis gl■ uc■ agon■ oma glu■ taric ac■ id■ ur■ ia type 1 gly■ co■ prote■ in■ osis gon■ ad■ al dys■ genesis graft versus host disease graham little syndrome gran■ ular cell tumor gran■ ul■ oma gran■ ul■ oma fac■ i■ ale gran■ ul■ osa cell tum■ our graves ' oph■ thal■ mop■ athy gray baby syndrome group a st■ rep■ to■ coc■ cal infection growth hormone deficiency ha■ em■ ob■ ilia ha■ em■ ophi■ lia ha■ iry tongue hal■ it■ osis halluc■ ination hall■ ux rigi■ dus hall■ ux var■ us hal■ o nev■ us ham■ ar■ tom■ a hammer toe hand ecz■ ema hangover headache head and neck cancer head injury heart arr■ hy■ th■ mia heart■ burn heart failure heart valve disease he■ ber■ den ' s no■ de he■ im■ lich maneuver hem■ an■ gi■ obl■ ast■ oma hem■ at■ em■ esis hem■ ato■ che■ zia hem■ ato■ col■ pos hem■ atom■ a hem■ ato■ sal■ pin■ x hem■ atur■ ia hem■ i■ an■ op■ ia hemic■ ran■ ia continu■ a hem■ i■ facial micro■ som■ ia hem■ im■ eli■ a hem■ ip■ legi■ a hem■ oper■ it■ on■ eu■ m hem■ ophi■ lia hem■ op■ ty■ sis h■ emo■ thor■ ax he■ p■ atic cyst he■ p■ atic hem■ an■ gi■ oma hepatitis a hepatitis b hepatitis d hepatitis e he■ pat■ oc■ ell■ ular carcin■ oma he■ pat■ om■ eg■ al■ y he■ pat■ os■ plen■ om■ eg■ al■ y hereditary an■ gi■ oe■ dem■ a hern her■ pes simpl■ ex virus ker■ ati■ tis her■ pes■ viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis her■ pe■ tic g■ ing■ ivo■ stom■ ati■ tis heter■ och■ ro■ mia i■ ri■ dum heter■ oph■ oria he■ yde ' s syndrome hi■ ber■ no■ ma hic■ cups hi■ dro■ cy■ stom■ a high altitude pul■ mon■ ary e■ dem■ a hill – sachs le■ sion hin■ man syndrome hip dys■ pl■ asia hip frac■ ture hir■ su■ ties coron■ ae g■ land■ is hir■ su■ tism his■ ti■ oc■ y■ to■ sis hor■ ses■ ho■ e kidney hospital acquired infection hospit■ alism ho■ tt■ ent■ otism hughes sto■ vin syndrome human cy■ tom■ eg■ alo■ virus human pap■ il■ lo■ ma■ virus infection human par■ ain■ flu■ enza viruses human pregnancy hum■ er■ us frac■ ture hydro■ ce■ le hydro■ col■ pos hydro■ ps fe■ tal■ is hydro■ thor■ ax hyper■ ac■ us■ is hyper■ ammon■ emia hyper■ and■ ro■ gen■ ism hyper■ cap■ nia hyper■ cho■ le■ ster■ ol■ emia hyper■ don■ tia hyper■ em■ esis gr■ avi■ dar■ um hyper■ e■ o■ sin■ oph■ il■ ic syndrome hyper■ esthesia hyper■ gon■ ad■ ism hyper■ hi■ dro■ sis hyper ig■ m syndrome hyper■ insul■ in■ ism hyper■ kal■ emia hyper■ k■ ine■ tic heart syndrome hyper■ li■ pi■ dem■ ia hyper■ mag■ nes■ emia hyper■ mobility syndrome hyper■ nat■ re■ mia hyper■ ox■ al■ ur■ ia hyper■ pi■ gm■ entation hy■ pers■ ali■ vation hy■ pers■ ex■ uality hyper■ tel■ or■ ism hyper■ ten■ sive emergency hyper■ the■ co■ sis hyper■ ton■ ia hyper■ tri■ gly■ cer■ i■ dem■ ia hyper■ ur■ ic■ emia hyper■ vitam■ in■ osis hyper■ vol■ emia hy■ ph■ ema hypo■ active sexual desire disorder hypo■ albu■ min■ emia hypo■ cal■ ca■ emia hypo■ chlo■ re■ mia hypo■ ch■ on■ dro■ genesis hypo■ ch■ on■ dro■ pl■ asia hypo■ esthesia hypo■ glos■ sia hypo■ gon■ ad■ ism hypo■ kal■ emia hypo■ mania hy■ pon■ at■ re■ mia hypo■ phosp■ hat■ emia hypo■ pi■ gm■ entation hypo■ prote■ in■ emia hy■ pos■ mia hypo■ tension hypo■ ther■ mia hy■ pot■ onia hypo■ vol■ emia ic■ d 10 version : 2010 ic■ d 10 who version 2013 ice cream headache ich■ thy■ osis ich■ thy■ osis hy■ stri■ x idi■ opathic hyper■ som■ nia idiot id reaction i■ le■ us ili■ o■ ti■ bial band syndrome immun■ o■ deficiency impotence inclusion cell disease in■ contin■ entia pi■ gm■ enti ach■ ro■ mi■ ans inf■ anti■ le ac■ ne infectious disease inferior ven■ a cav■ a syndrome in■ fertility inf■ est■ ation ing■ ro■ wn nail inherited metabol■ ic disorder insect bite in situ pul■ mon■ ary aden■ o■ carcin■ oma in■ som■ nia insul■ in■ oma intellectual disability intention trem■ or inter■ cost■ al ne■ ur■ al■ gia interrupted a■ or■ tic arch inter■ tri■ go intest■ inal mal■ rotation in■ trac■ ran■ ial an■ eur■ ys■ m in■ trac■ ran■ ial hemorrha■ ge in■ trac■ ran■ ial sin■ us thro■ m■ bo■ sis in■ trad■ uc■ tal carcin■ oma inver■ ted nip■ ple i■ od■ ine deficiency iron deficiency iron deficiency an■ emia iron glu■ con■ ate iron overload irrit■ ant di■ aper der■ mati■ tis is■ cha■ emic heart disease itch jaco■ b■ sen syndrome jan■ e■ way le■ sion j■ aris■ ch her■ x■ he■ imer reaction ja■ und■ ice jefferson frac■ ture jet lag jo■ han■ son bli■ zz■ ard syndrome joint dis■ location joint eff■ usion joint pain jones frac■ ture ju■ g■ ular for■ amen syndrome juvenile x■ anth■ o■ gran■ ul■ oma k■ ann■ er ' s syndrome kas■ ab■ ach – mer■ rit■ t syndrome kash■ in – beck disease kay■ ser – fle■ is■ cher ring kel■ o■ id ker■ ato■ ac■ an■ thom■ a ker■ ato■ con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis sic■ ca ker■ at■ og■ lo■ bus ker■ at■ osis ker■ ion kes■ han disease ke■ ton■ ur■ ia ke■ to■ sis kidney stone ki■ en■ bo■ ck ' s disease kind■ ler syndrome k■ lat■ skin ' s tumor kle■ b■ si■ ellosis kle■ ef■ stra syndrome kle■ ine le■ vin syndrome k■ lu■ ver bu■ cy syndrome knee o■ ste■ o■ ar■ thri■ tis kni■ est dys■ pl■ asia ko■ hler ' s disease