ko■ il■ ony■ ch■ ia kor■ sak■ off ' s syndrome ko■ sak■ i over■ growth syndrome kost■ mann syndrome kr■ au■ ro■ sis vul■ v■ ae kru■ ken■ berg carcin■ oma ky■ asan■ ur forest disease ky■ pho■ sis lab■ ial fusion la■ fora disease lamb syndrome lam■ ell■ ar ich■ thy■ osis land■ au – kle■ ff■ ner syndrome l■ anger mes■ om■ el■ ic dys■ pl■ asia large for gest■ ational age lar■ yn■ gi■ tis lar■ yn■ go■ ce■ le lar■ yn■ gom■ al■ ac■ ia lar■ yn■ g■ op■ har■ yn■ ge■ al ref■ lux lar■ yn■ go■ sp■ asm la■ thy■ ris■ m lat■ tice cor■ ne■ al dy■ stro■ phy lead poisoning le fort frac■ ture of skull left an■ terior fasc■ icular block left poster■ ior fasc■ icular block lei■ om■ y■ oma lei■ om■ y■ os■ ar■ coma lennox gast■ aut syndrome l■ enti■ gin■ es sol■ aris l■ enti■ go l■ enti■ go m■ align■ a l■ enti■ go simpl■ ex leth■ ar■ gy leuk■ oc■ y■ to■ sis leuko■ dy■ stro■ phy leuk■ op■ la■ k■ ia lib■ man – sacks endo■ cardi■ tis lichen ru■ ber mon■ ili■ form■ is lichen s■ cl■ ero■ sus lichen stri■ atus li■ ddle syndrome lim■ bic en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis limb – mam■ mary syndrome lip■ id metabol■ ism disorder li■ po■ gran■ ul■ oma li■ po■ id prote■ in■ osis lis■ p live■ do■ id vas■ cu■ li■ tis liver abs■ c■ ess liver failure liver injury lo■ bec■ tomy lob■ ular ne■ op■ la■ sia log■ or■ rhe■ a long q■ t syndrome long term effects of alcohol low back pain lower back pain lud■ wig ' s ang■ ina lu■ jan – fr■ y■ ns syndrome lup■ us per■ nio lup■ us vul■ gar■ is lux■ ating pat■ ella lymp■ had■ en■ opathy lymp■ he■ dem■ a lymp■ ho■ ce■ le lymp■ ho■ cy■ to■ sis lymp■ ho■ gran■ ul■ oma v■ ener■ eu■ m lymp■ hom■ ato■ id pap■ ul■ osis lymp■ ho■ prolifer■ ative disorders ly■ so■ som■ al storage disease ly■ tico bo■ dig disease macro■ cy■ to■ sis macro■ don■ tia macro■ glos■ sia macro■ stom■ ia mac■ ular re■ tin■ al e■ dem■ a mad■ el■ ung ' s de■ form■ ity mad hat■ ter disease magnesium deficiency major trauma mal■ absorption mal■ formation syndrome mal■ ing■ ering mal■ let finger mall■ ory – we■ iss syndrome malnutrition mal■ oc■ clu■ sion malt lymp■ homa mal■ um per■ for■ ans mam■ mary pag■ et ' s disease man■ di■ bul■ ar frac■ ture mania man■ tle cell lymp■ homa mar■ chi■ af■ ava bi■ gn■ ami disease mar■ is■ ke mar■ jol■ in ' s ul■ cer mas■ ti■ tis ma■ st■ od■ y■ nia ma■ stop■ ex■ y maternal death mauri■ ac syndrome may – he■ gg■ lin anomaly me■ con■ ium per■ it■ oni■ tis medi■ al med■ ul■ l■ ary syndrome med■ ul■ l■ ary spon■ ge kidney me■ gal■ encephal■ y me■ gau■ re■ ter me■ i■ ge syndrome me■ i■ gs syndrome mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic nev■ us mel■ anom■ a mel■ as■ ma mel■ ena mel■ or■ he■ o■ sto■ sis men■ ing■ ism men■ in■ go■ coc■ cal disease men■ kes disease men■ op■ ause men■ or■ rha■ gia mental disorder mental retar■ dation mer■ al■ gia par■ a■ esthe■ tica mercury poisoning merkel cell carcin■ oma mes■ enter■ ic is■ chem■ ia mes■ enter■ ic lymp■ had■ eni■ tis metabol■ ic aci■ do■ sis metabol■ ic al■ k■ alo■ sis metal fume fever met■ ap■ hy■ seal dys■ pl■ asia met■ at■ ar■ sal■ gia meth■ yl■ mal■ onic aci■ dem■ ia metr■ or■ rha■ gia micro■ cephal■ y with sp■ astic di■ ple■ gia micro■ cy■ tic an■ emia micro■ gn■ ath■ ism micro■ scopic pol■ yan■ gi■ i■ tis micro■ stom■ ia micro■ tia middle cere■ br■ al artery syndrome mid■ face dys■ pl■ asia migr■ aine mild hyper■ em■ esis gr■ avi■ dar■ um mili■ um mill■ ard – gu■ bler syndrome min■ am■ ata disease mi■ osis mis■ carriage mit■ och■ on■ dri■ al my■ opathy mit■ ral valve sten■ osis mittel■ sch■ mer■ z mixed mü■ ll■ er■ ian tumor mixed state mo■ es■ ch■ ler cl■ arre■ n syndrome mon■ c■ ke■ berg arter■ i■ os■ clerosis mon■ dor ' s disease mongo■ lian spot mon■ oc■ y■ to■ sis mon■ orch■ ism monte■ g■ gia frac■ ture morning sickness mor■ sic■ ati■ o buc■ car■ um mor■ ton ' s neuro■ ma movement disorder m■ uc■ kle wells syndrome mu■ co■ li■ pi■ do■ sis mu■ co■ pol■ ys■ ac■ ch■ ari■ do■ sis vi mu■ co■ us cyst of the oral mu■ co■ sa multiple endocrine ne■ op■ la■ sia multiple organ dysfunction syndrome multiple system atro■ phy mün■ cha■ usen syndrome muscle atro■ phy muscle dys■ mor■ phia mush■ room poisoning my■ al■ gia my■ co■ plasma my■ dri■ asis m■ ye■ li■ tis my■ el■ oli■ po■ ma my■ o■ cl■ onus my■ of■ as■ cial pain syndrome my■ o■ glob■ in■ ur■ ia my■ ok■ y■ mia my■ o■ ton■ ia my■ o■ ton■ ia con■ gen■ ita my■ x■ e■ dem■ a coma my■ x■ oma n■ abo■ th■ ian cyst nail biting nail clu■ bbing nail dy■ stro■ phy name syndrome nas■ al frac■ ture nas■ al poly■ p nas■ o■ dig■ ito■ acous■ tic syndrome necro■ bio■ sis li■ po■ i■ dic■ a necro■ phi■ lia need■ les■ tick injury ne■ on■ atal allo■ immune thro■ m■ bo■ cy■ top■ enia ne■ on■ atal con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis ne■ on■ atal her■ pes simpl■ ex ne■ op■ las■ m ne■ ph■ ro■ bl■ ast■ oma ne■ ph■ ro■ cal■ cin■ osis ne■ ph■ ro■ pto■ sis nervous system disease nether■ ton syndrome ne■ ur■ al■ gia ne■ ural tube defect ne■ ur■ asth■ enia ne■ ur■ il■ em■ mom■ a ne■ uri■ tis neuro■ bor■ reli■ osis neuro■ circul■ atory asth■ enia neuro■ fi■ bro■ ma neuro■ fi■ bro■ mat■ osis type i neuro■ fi■ bro■ mat■ osis type ii neuro■ genic blad■ der neuro■ my■ o■ ton■ ia neutral lip■ id storage disease neutral sp■ ine ne■ void bas■ al cell carcin■ oma syndrome nev■ us nev■ us of ota nev■ us se■ bac■ eous nicotine poisoning nicotine withdrawal night horror no■ c■ tur■ ia no■ c■ tur■ nal en■ u■ res■ is non alcoholic fatty liver disease non ho■ dg■ kin lymp■ homa non■ os■ si■ fying fi■ bro■ ma nose picking nur■ sem■ aid ' s el■ bow n■ ys■ sen van bo■ ga■ ert syndrome ny■ stag■ mus o ' ny■ ong ' ny■ ong fever obesity hypo■ ventilation syndrome ob■ ste■ tr■ ical br■ achi■ al plex■ us pal■ sy ob■ ste■ tric labor complic■ ation obstructed labor oc■ ci■ p■ ital ne■ ur■ al■ gia occupational bur■ n■ out oc■ ular al■ bin■ ism type 1 oc■ ul■ og■ y■ ric crisis oe■ dem■ a og■ il■ vie syndrome oh■ ta■ hara syndrome oli■ god■ end■ rog■ li■ oma olig■ omen■ or■ rhe■ a olig■ ur■ ia oli■ v■ op■ on■ to■ cere■ bell■ ar atro■ phy om■ ph■ ali■ tis om■ ph■ ali■ tis of new■ born om■ p■ hal■ oce■ le on■ ei■ ro■ ph■ ren■ ia ony■ chau■ x■ is ony■ ch■ om■ y■ co■ sis ony■ cho■ til■ lo■ mania ophi■ asis oph■ thal■ mop■ legi■ a op■ tic nerve disease organic aci■ dem■ ia organic brain syndrome or■ om■ andi■ bul■ ar dy■ st■ onia or■ op■ ou■ che fever ost■ ei■ tis fi■ bro■ sa o■ ste■ o■ ar■ thri■ tis o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ ma o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ pa■ thy o■ ste■ ol■ ysis o■ ste■ oma o■ ste■ om■ al■ ac■ ia o■ ste■ om■ ye■ li■ tis o■ ste■ open■ ia o■ ste■ op■ hy■ te o■ ste■ os■ ar■ coma o■ tal■ gia o■ ti■ tis exter■ na o■ to■ toxicity o■ vari■ an disease o■ vari■ an tor■ sion over■ bite overload disease overriding a■ or■ ta overweight oxy■ cephal■ y oxygen toxicity p■ ach■ y■ ony■ ch■ ia con■ gen■ ita pag■ et – schro■ et■ ter disease pain pal■ lis■ ter hall syndrome pal■ lis■ ter – kil■ lian syndrome p■ all■ or pal■ mar er■ y■ them■ a pal■ p■ itation pan■ coast tumor pan■ cre■ as divis■ um pan■ cre■ atic pseu■ do■ cyst pan■ cre■ atin pand■ as panic attack panic disorder paper cut parag■ ang■ li■ oma param■ yo■ ton■ ia con■ gen■ ita paranoia par■ ap■ hi■ lia paras■ om■ nia par■ aty■ pho■ id a pa■ res■ is par■ in■ aud ' s syndrome par■ oxy■ sm■ al attack par■ ry – rom■ berg syndrome partial and■ ro■ gen in■ sensitivity syndrome pat■ ella frac■ ture pat■ ell■ ar tend■ on rupture patho■ logic frac■ ture peanut allergy pec■ tus car■ in■ at■ um pec■ tus exc■ av■ at■ um pel■ ger hu■ et anomaly p■ ell■ u■ ci■ d marginal de■ generation p■ emp■ hi■ gus foli■ ac■ eus peric■ ardi■ al eff■ usion peric■ ardi■ tis per■ in■ atal necro■ tizing enter■ o■ co■ li■ tis per■ in■ eur■ i■ oma periodic fever syndrome peri■ oral der■ mati■ tis perio■ sti■ tis peripheral neuro■ pa■ thy per■ it■ oni■ tis per■ it■ on■ sill■ ar abs■ c■ ess persistent mul■ ler■ ian duc■ t syndrome persistent trun■ cus arter■ io■ sus personality changes personality disorder per■ tus■ sis pes cav■ us pe■ tec■ hia p■ ha■ e■ och■ ro■ mo■ cy■ tom■ a p■ ha■ kom■ at■ osis phantom limb phen■ yl■ ke■ ton■ ur■ ia philadelphia chro■ mo■ some ph■ leg■ ma■ sia alba dol■ ens ph■ leg■ ma■ sia cer■ ul■ ea dol■ ens pho■ com■ eli■ a photo■ der■ mat■ osis pho■ top■ ho■ bia photo■ sensitivity disease ph■ th■ is■ is bul■ bi phy■ top■ ho■ to■ der■ mati■ tis pic■ a disease pick■ ard■ t syndrome pierre robin syndrome pigeon toe pil■ i annul■ ati pi■ loc■ y■ tic astro■ cy■ tom■ a pilo■ matri■ x■ oma pil■ on■ idal cyst pim■ ple pine■ alo■ bl■ ast■ oma pit■ u■ itary aden■ oma pit■ y■ ri■ asis alba plac■ ental in■ sufficiency pl■ ag■ io■ cephal■ y plasma cell dys■ cr■ asia plat■ y■ spon■ dy■ lia ple■ om■ orph■ ic aden■ oma ple■ om■ orph■ ic un■ differentiated sar■ coma ple■ ural eff■ usion ple■ ur■ isy plum■ mer – vin■ son syndrome pneu■ mat■ oce■ le pneu■ mat■ osis inte■ stin■ alis pneu■ mo■ cy■ stis pneu■ mom■ edi■ ast■ inum pneumonia pneu■ m■ oper■ it■ on■ eu■ m po■ ems syndrome po■ i■ ki■ loc■ y■ to■ sis poli■ osis poly■ ar■ thri■ tis poly■ c■ ys■ tic liver disease poly■ di■ meth■ yl■ si■ lo■ x■ ane poly■ di■ p■ sia poly drug use poly■ mer fume fever poly■ morph■ ous light eruption poly■ my■ osi■ tis poly■ p poly■ p■ ha■ gia poly■ ur■ ia pomp■ hol■ y■ x pon■ ti■ ac fever port wine stain post con■ cus■ sion syndrome post d■ ural punc■ ture headache pos■ ther■ pe■ tic ne■ ur■ al■ gia post■ men■ opa■ usal hormone therapy post nas■ al drip post■ par■ tum thyro■ idi■ tis post schizophren■ ic depression post traumatic ar■ thro■ sis pot■ t ' s frac■ ture pot■ t disease pre■ aur■ icular sin■ us and cyst precipitate delivery pre■ co■ cious pu■ ber■ ty pre exc■ itation syndrome pregnancy premature th■ el■ arch■ e pres■ by■ cus■ is pre■ term birth primary lymp■ he■ dem■ a prin■ z■ metal ' s ang■ ina pri■ on proc■ tal■ gia fu■ ga■ x pro■ gn■ ath■ ism progressive iris atro■ phy pro■ lac■ tin■ oma pro■ lapse of female genital organ pro■ lymp■ ho■ cy■ tic leuk■ emia prominent ear pro■ static hyper■ tro■ phy proto■ the■ co■ sis pro■ tru■ si■ o ace■ tab■ uli pr■ uri■ go pr■ uri■ go no■ dul■ aris pr■ ur■ it■ us ani pseu■ dar■ thro■ sis pseu■ do■ ach■ on■ dro■ pl■ asia pseu■ do■ cow■ pox pseu■ do■ fol■ lic■ u■ li■ tis bar■ ba■ e pseu■ do■ hypo■ al■ do■ ster■ on■ ism pseu■ dom■ y■ x■ oma per■ it■ one■ i pseu■ dop■ ter■ y■ gi■ um ps■ ori■ atic nails psy■ chas■ th■ enia psychiatric disorders psycho■ genic pain psychological abuse psy■ ch■ om■ o■ tor ag■ itation psycho■ sis psycho■ social short stature psychotic disorder puer■ per■ al fever pul■ mon■ ary at■ re■ sia pul■ mon■ ary con■ tu■ sion pul■ mon■ ary cyst pul■ mon■ ary fi■ bro■ sis pul■ mon■ ary hypo■ pl■ asia pul■ mon■ ary sequestr■ ation pul■ mon■ ary valve sten■ osis py■ o■ der■ ma gan■ gre■ no■ sum py■ ogenic gran■ ul■ oma py■ ome■ tri■ tis py■ ri■ do■ x■ ine deficiency py■ romania py■ ru■ v■ ate kin■ ase deficiency py■ ur■ ia quad■ ran■ tan■ op■ ia rab■ son – mend■ enh■ all syndrome rad■ ial neuro■ pa■ thy radiation burn radiation co■ li■ tis radiation induced lung injury railway accident rap■ ad■ il■ ino syndrome rash rasmussen ' s en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis rat bite fever ray■ n■ aud syndrome reactive attachment disorder receptive ap■ ha■ sia rec■ to■ ce■ le rec■ to■ vag■ inal f■ ist■ ula recurrent dis■ location recurrent mis■ carriage red eye rein■ ke ' s e■ dem■ a rem sleep behavior disorder ren■ al agen■ esis ren■ al cell carcin■ oma ren■ al col■ ic ren■ al cyst ren■ al vein thro■ m■ bo■ sis respiratory aci■ do■ sis respiratory al■ k■ alo■ sis re■ tin■ obl■ ast■ oma retro■ gn■ ath■ ism retrograde e■ jac■ ulation retro■ per■ it■ one■ al fi■ bro■ sis r■ hab■ dom■ y■ ol■ ysis r■ hab■ dom■ y■ oma r■ hab■ dom■ y■ os■ ar■ coma r■ h disease r■ heu■ m■ atism rh■ initi■ s rhin■ oli■ th rhy■ th■ mic movement disorder ri■ b frac■ ture ri■ e■ del ' s fi■ bro■ sing thyro■ idi■ tis right bundle branch block rober■ ts syndrome rocky mountain spotted fever ro■ sa■ i – dor■ f■ man disease ross ' syndrome rot■ ator cuff tear ro■ ta■ virus ro■ tor syndrome ro■ ussy – lé■ vy syndrome run■ ny nose rup■ tured sp■ leen sacro■ ili■ i■ tis saddle nose sar■ copen■ ia s■ cap■ ho■ id frac■ ture s■ cap■ ular frac■ ture scar sch■ is■ to■ som■ i■ asis schiz■ encephal■ y schiz■ op■ ha■ sia schizophrenia sch■ mor■ l ' s no■ des sci■ atica s■ cl■ ero■ der■ ma s■ cl■ ero■ sing hem■ an■ gi■ oma seasonal aff■ ective disorder se■ bac■ eous cyst selective ig■ m deficiency disease selective mu■ tism sel■ en■ ium deficiency self defeating personality disorder self injury semin■ oma separated shoulder separation anxiety disorder sep■ sis se■ ptic shock serum sickness sexual addiction shaken baby syndrome sheldon hall syndrome shellfish poisoning shell shock short bo■ wel syndrome short q■ t syndrome shoulder dy■ sto■ cia shoulder presentation simpson gol■ ab■ i beh■ mel syndrome single um■ bil■ ical artery sin■ o■ atri■ al block si■ re■ no■ me■ lia s■ jo■ gre■ n lar■ sson syndrome skin cancer skin pilo■ matrix carcin■ oma sleep ap■ ne■ a sleep disorder sleep paralysis sleep■ walking s■ loc■ um■ b ' s syndrome small fiber peripheral neuro■ pa■ thy small for gest■ ational age small intest■ inal bacterial over■ growth smoke inhal■ ation sna■ ke■ bite sn■ apping hip syndrome sne■ d■ don ' s syndrome sne■ d■ don syndrome sni■ ffing snor■ ing solar ur■ tic■ aria som■ ato■ form disorder som■ at■ os■ ens■ ory disorder som■ no■ l■ ence sp■ as■ tic■ ity specific developmental disorder speech disorder spider an■ gi■ oma spider bite spi■ ge■ lian her■ nia sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da spinal cord injury spinal dis■ c her■ ni■ ation spinal frac■ ture spinal tumor sp■ itz nev■ us splen■ om■ eg■ al■ y spon■ dy■ lar■ thro■ sis spon■ dy■ lo■ ar■ thro■ pa■ thy spon■ dy■ lo■ cost■ al dy■ so■ sto■ sis sp■ rain spra■ ined an■ kle spre■ n■ gel ' s de■ form■ ity stab wound stan■ no■ sis star■ gar■ dt disease starvation status asth■ m■ atic■ us status epi■ le■ p■ tic■ us ste■ at■ oc■ y■ stom■ a multi■ pl■ ex ste■ ato■ hepatitis ste■ at■ or■ rhe■ a bu■ su■ k ste■ at■ osis stic■ kler syndrome stiff skin syndrome still■ birth stomach disease strain strawberry gall■ blad■ der st■ rep■ to■ coc■ cal phar■ yn■ gi■ tis stretch marks stu■ por st■ urge – weber syndrome stu■ t■ tering sub■ acro■ mi■ al bur■ si■ tis sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id hemorrha■ ge sub■ cl■ avian steal syndrome sub■ con■ junc■ ti■ val hemorrha■ ge sub■ cu■ taneous emph■ ys■ ema sub■ d■ ural hy■ gro■ ma substance abuse substance dependence substance induced psycho■ sis substance in■ tox■ ication sucrose intolerance sudden cardiac death sudden infant death syndrome sudden sens■ or■ in■ eur■ al hearing loss sudden unexpected death in epi■ le■ psy suicidal ide■ ation suicide sul■ f■ h■ emo■ glob■ in■ emia sun■ burn sun stroke superior canal de■ his■ cence superior obli■ que my■ ok■ y■ mia superior ven■ a cav■ a syndrome su■ pra■ ven■ tric■ ular t■ ach■ y■ car■ dia swan neck de■ form■ ity swine influenza sw■ yer james syndrome sy■ den■ ham ' s cho■ rea sym■ ble■ phar■ on syn■ cope sy■ nec■ hia sy■ no■ vi■ tis syr■ ing■ oma syr■ ing■ om■ ye■ lia t■ ach■ y■ p■ ne■ a tan■ apo■ x virus ta■ pe■ worm infection tar■ dive dy■ sk■ ine■ sia tar syndrome tear of men■ is■ cus tel■ an■ gi■ ec■ ta■ sia temporal arter■ i■ tis temporal lo■ be epi■ le■ psy tempor■ om■ andi■ bul■ ar joint disorder tend■ in■ opathy tend■ in■ osis tennis el■ bow ten■ o■ sy■ no■ vi■ tis tension headache ter■ atom■ a ter■ son syndrome tet■ any te■ tras■ omy thal■ lium poisoning thomas syndrome thro■ m■ bo■ g■ avi■ tis thro■ m■ bo■ sis thunder■ cl■ ap headache thy■ mom■ a thy■ rog■ los■ sal cyst thyro■ id aden■ oma thyro■ id no■ dule ti■ bial hem■ im■ eli■ a tick inf■ est■ ation tick paralysis ti■ et■ ze syndrome ti■ etz syndrome tin■ ea bar■ ba■ e tin■ ea cap■ i■ tis tin■ ea corpor■ is tin■ ea cr■ ur■ is tin■ el sign tin■ nit■ us tobacco addiction tobacco smoking todd ' s pa■ res■ is to■ los■ a hunt syndrome tooth■ ache tooth gem■ ination tor■ sion dy■ st■ onia tor■ ti■ coll■ is tor■ us man■ di■ bul■ aris tor■ us pal■ at■ in■ us town■ es bro■ c■ ks syndrome toxic ep■ id■ er■ mal nec■ rol■ ysis trac■ he■ o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al f■ ist■ ula traffic accident traffic collision transfusion incident transi■ ent sy■ no■ vi■ tis trans■ sex■ u■ alism trans■ verse m■ ye■ li■ tis trauma traumatic a■ or■ tic rupture traumatic brain injury travel■ er ' s diarr■ hea traveller ' s diarr■ ho■ ea trem■ or tren■ ch foot tre■ vor ' s disease tric■ hi■ asis tric■ ho■ epi■ the■ li■ oma tric■ ho■ fol■ lic■ ul■ oma tric■ hop■ ha■ gia tric■ ho■ til■ lo■ mania tric■ us■ pid at■ re■ sia tric■ us■ pid in■ sufficiency tric■ us■ pid valve sten■ osis trigger finger tri■ gon■ o■ cephal■ y trim■ ethyl■ amin■ ur■ ia triple a syndrome triple x syndrome tr■ is■ mus tr■ is■ omy tr■ is■ omy 9 tuberculosis tubercul■ ous men■ ing■ i■ tis tul■ are■ mia tumor tumor lysis syndrome tum■ our turner ' s hypo■ pl■ asia ty■ mp■ an■ ites ty■ mp■ an■ os■ clerosis ty■ ro■ sin■ emia type i ul■ cer ul■ nar nerve entr■ ap■ ment um■ bil■ ical cord pro■ lapse un■ comb■ able hair syndrome unequal leg length unhappy tri■ ad un■ ip■ aren■ tal dis■ omy upper gastro■ intest■ inal bleeding upper respiratory tract infection u■ re■ ter■ oce■ le u■ re■ th■ ral stric■ ture ur■ inary in■ contin■ ence ur■ inary retention uter■ ine mal■ formation uter■ ine pro■ lapse uter■ ine rupture uter■ ine sep■ tum uter■ us di■ del■ ph■ ys vaccine injury vag■ inal at■ re■ sia vag■ inal bleeding vag■ inal discharge vag■ inal sep■ tum vag■ in■ is■ mus vag■ initi■ s van bu■ chem disease vari■ eg■ ate por■ phy■ ria var■ us de■ form■ ity vascular mal■ formation vas■ cu■ li■ tis vel■ am■ ent■ ous cord insertion ven■ ous ul■ cer ven■ tric■ ular fi■ bri■ ll■ ation ven■ tric■ ular fl■ utter ven■ tric■ ular t■ ach■ y■ car■ dia vertebr■ al cle■ ft ver■ ti■ go ves■ ic■ le ve■ si■ co■ vag■ inal f■ ist■ ula vi■ po■ ma viral hemorrha■ gic fever viral hepatitis vision disorder visual impairment visual verbal agno■ sia vitamin b 12 deficiency vit■ re■ ous hemorrha■ ge vocal cord pa■ res■ is vocal fold no■ dule v■ om■ iting wal■ d■ mann disease war■ far■ in embry■ opathy war■ far■ in necro■ sis war■ k■ any syndrome wart war■ thin ' s tumor water electro■ ly■ te imbalance water in■ tox■ ication wea■ ver syndrome weber ' s syndrome weight loss weil ' s disease wer■ nic■ ke – kor■ sak■ off syndrome west syndrome whi■ pl■ ash williams be■ u■ ren syndrome wound wr■ ink■ ly skin syndrome wu■ cher■ er■ ia ban■ cro■ f■ ti x■ anth■ el■ as■ ma x■ an■ thom■ a x■ ero■ stom■ ia x linked hypo■ phosp■ hat■ emic ric■ kets xx male xy■ y syndrome y■ aba monkey tumor virus y■ er■ sin■ ia enter■ o■ co■ li■ tica y■ er■ sin■ ia pseu■ do■ tuberculosis zaire e■ bol■ avi■ rus zen■ ker ' s diver■ ticul■ um zi■ eve ' s syndrome zi■ ka fever zim■ mer■ mann – lab■ and syndrome