5 alpha reductase deficiency abdominal aortic aneurysm abdominal cramps abdominal obesity abdominal pain abdominal pregnancy abdominal trauma abducens nerve palsy aberrant subclavian artery ablepharon abortion abrachia abrasion abscess acalculia acantholysis acariasis acatalasia accessory auricle accessory spleen aceruloplasminemia acetabular fracture achard – thiers syndrome achilles tendinitis achilles tendon rupture achlorhydria achondrogenesis achor smith syndrom achylia acidosis acne aestivalis acne cosmetica acoustic neuroma acrania acrocallosal syndrome acrocephalosyndactylia acrocyanosis acrodermatitis enteropathica acrokeratosis paraneoplastica of bazex acrokeratosis verruciformis acromegaly acroparesthesia acryocystitis osteopoikilosis syndrome acute abdomen acute bronchitis acute coronary syndrome acute kidney injury acute monocytic leukemia acute radiation syndrome acute stress disorder adams – stokes syndrome adenoma adenovirus infection adermatoglyphia adhesion adhesions of uterus adjustment disorder adrenocortical carcinoma adverse drug reaction aerophagia agalactia aggressive fibromatosis agoraphobia agrypnia excitata aids phobie air embolism akathisia al amyloidosis albinism albright ' s hereditary osteodystrophy alcoholic hallucinosis alcoholic psychosis alcoholism alexander disease alkalosis allergic rhinitis alopecia alpha mannosidosis alport syndrome alström syndrome altitude sickness alveolitis amaurosis fugax ameloblastoma amino acid transport disorder amniotic band syndrome amniotic fluid embolism analgesic nephropathy anaphylaxis anasarca anembryonic gestation aneuploidy aneurysm angina pectoris angiodysplasia angioma angiomyolipoma angiosarcoma animal phobia anisakis aniseikonia anisocoria ankylostomiasis anophthalmia anopsia anorchia anorectal abscess anorexia anorgasmia anosmia anovulation antepartum haemorrhage anterior interosseous syndrome anthropophobia antley bixler syndrome anuria anus disease aortic dissection apert syndrome aphakia aphasia aphonia aplasia cutis congenita apraxia aquagenic pruritus aquagenic urticaria arachnodactyly arachnoid cyst arachnophobia arcuate uterus argyria arhinencephaly arnold chiari malformation arsenic poisoning arteriovenous fistula arteritis arthrosis of hip ascites asomatognosia asperger syndrome aspergilloma aspermia asphyxia aspiration asplenia asterixis asteroid hyalosis astrocytoma asystole ataxia ataxia telangiectasia atelectasis atheroma athetosis atlantoaxial subluxation atrial flutter atrophic rhinitis atrophic spots of skin atypical trigeminal neuralgia aura autism autoimmune disease autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia av nodal reentrant tachycardia azoor azotemia azygos lobe babinski – nageotte syndrome baboon syndrome bacillary angiomatosis bacteremia bacterial vaginosis baker ' s cyst balanoposthitis ballistic trauma barotrauma barraquer – simons syndrome bartholin ' s cyst basal cell carcinoma basilar skull fracture basophilia beau ' s lines becker ' s nevus becker myotonia bejel benedikt syndrome benign prostatic hyperplasia bennett ' s fracture bernard soulier syndrome beta mannosidosis . bezoar bezold ' s abscess bickerstaff ' s encephalitis bifid rib biliary colic bilirubinuria binge drinking binge eating disorder bipartite talus birth trauma bite black eye bladder exstrophy bleeding blister blood platelet disease blount ' s disease blowout fracture blue nevus body dysmorphic disorder body odor boerhaave syndrome boil bone cancer bone cyst bone fracture bonnet – dechaume – blanc syndrome böök syndrome boomerang dysplasia bordetella bronchiseptica bouchard ' s nodes bowen ' s disease brachydactyly brachymetatarsia bradykinesia bradypnea brain death brain edema brain herniation brainstem disease branchiootorenal syndrome braxton hicks contraction breast phyllodes tumor breast ultrasound breech birth brody myopathy bromhidrosis bromism bronchiolitis bronchomalacia bronchopulmonary dysplasia brugia malayi brugia timori bruise bundle branch block bunion bunyamwera virus buried bumper syndrome burn burning mouth syndrome burping cachexia café au lait spot caffeine dependence calciphylaxis california encephalitis virus callus camptodactyly campylobacteriosis canavan disease cancer cancer of unknown primary origin caplan ' s syndrome caput medusae caput succedaneum carbuncle carcinoid cardiac asthma cardiac syndrome x cardiomegaly cardiovascular disease carey fineman ziter syndrome carotenosis carotid artery stenosis carotid sinus hypersensitivity carpometacarpal osteoarthritis carrion ' s disease castleman ' s disease catalepsy cataplexy catatonia catatonic schizophrenia cat eye syndrome caudal regression syndrome cauliflower ear cementoblastoma central nervous system vasculitis central serous retinopathy cephalic presentation cephalohematoma cerebellar degeneration cerebral contusion cerebral hemorrhage cerebral oedema cerebral salt wasting syndrome cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis cerebrovascular disease cervarix cervical fracture cervical rib cervical syndrome cervicobrachial neuralgia cervix erosion charge syndrome charlevoix saguenay spastic ataxia charley horse cheilosis chemical burn chemosis chemotherapy induced acral erythema chest trauma cheyne – stokes respiration chikungunya chilblains child syndrome chlamydia infection chloracne choluria chondroblastoma chondroma choreoathetosis choroid plexus cyst choroid plexus papilloma chromhidrosis chronic bronchitis chronic pain chronic paroxysmal hemicrania chronic thyroiditis chronic venous insufficiency chylothorax ciguatera circulatory shock claudication claustrophobia clavicle fracture cleft lip and cleft palate climacteric clinical vampirism clitoromegaly cluster headache cluttering coarctation of the aorta coccydynia coenurosis coffin lowry syndrome coital cephalalgia cold stimulus headache colic colorectal cancer colorectal polyp coma commotio cordis compulsive act concussion conductive hearing loss condylom condyloma cone dystrophy congenital anomaly of the genitalia congenital dislocation of the knee congenital lung malformation congenital melanocytic nevus congenital myopathy congenital rubella syndrome congenital vertebral anomaly conjoined twins conjugate gaze palsy conorhyland conradi – hünermann syndrome contracture copper deficiency copper metabolism disease copper toxicity coprophilia cortical dysplasia coxa valga coxa vara cramp craniopharyngioma cretinism cronkhite canada syndrome crosby ' s syndrome crossbite cruciate ligament injury crush syndrome cubitus valgus cushing ' s disease cutaneous larva migrans cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia cutaneous mycosis cyanide poisoning cycloid psychosis cyclopia cylindroma cystic lymphangioma cystitis cystica cystocele cytomegalia cytomegalovirus daredevil deafness de barsy syndrome decapitation decompression sickness deep vein thrombosis deficiency deformity of chest and rib dehydration dejerine – sottas disease delayed ejaculation delayed puberty delayed sleep phase disorder delirium delirium tremens delusion dementia demodicosis demyelinating disease dent ' s disease dent disease dermanyssus gallinae dermatochalasis dermatomycosis dermatophytid desquamation deviated septum dhat syndrome diabetic angiopathy diabetic coma diabetic nephropathy diabetic neuropathy diabetic retinopathy diaphragmatic hernia diaphragmatic rupture diarrhea diarrhoea diastasis recti diastematomyelia dichromacy diphallia diphtheria diplopia dipylidium caninum infectious disease discoid lupus erythematosus dislocated shoulder disorganized schizophrenia distal radius fracture distichia diverticulitis diverticulosis diverticulum of kommerell dog bite dolichocephaly domestic violence door syndrome dopamine responsive dystonia drowning drug eruption drug overdose drug withdrawal drunkenness drusen duodenal atresia duodenal stenosis dupuytren ' s contracture dust mite allergy dwarfism dysarthria dyscalculia dyschromia dysdiadochokinesia dysentery dysesthesia dysgeusia dysmenorrhea dysmetria dysorthography dysosmia dysosteosclerosis dyspareunia dysphagia dysphonia dysplastic nevus dyspnea dysproteinemia dyssegmental dysplasia dysthymic disorder dystroglycanopathy dysuria eating disorder not otherwise specified ebola virus disease echolalia ectodermal dysplasia ectopia cordis ectopia lentis ectopic ureter ectromelia eczema eem syndrome ego dystonic sexual orientation eisenmenger ' s syndrome electric shock electrolyte imbalance elevated transaminases embolism embryotomy emergence delirium empyema enanthem encephalitis encephalocele encephalopathy due to glut 1 deficiency encopresis endometrial hyperplasia endometritis endophthalmitis entropion enzymopathy eosinophilic fasciitis eosinophilic granuloma ependymoma epidermoid cyst epileptic seizure epispadias epistaxis epulis erdheim chester disease erethism ergotism erythema erythema ab igne erythema nodosum erythema toxicum neonatorum erythroderma erythroplasia of queyrat escherichia coli o 157 : h 7 esophageal web essential fructosuria esthesioneuroblastoma ewing ' s sarcoma exanthem excoriation disorder exfoliation syndrome exocrine pancreatic insufficiency exploding head syndrome expressive aphasia eye ache factitious hypoglycemia factor v leiden factor xiii deficiency failed back syndrome falling false pregnancy farber lipogranulomatosis fasciculation fat embolism fatigue fazio londe disease febrile neutrophilic dermatosis febrile seizure fecal incontinence fecal vomiting fecolith femur fibula ulna syndrome fetal alcohol spectrum disorder fetal alcohol syndrome fever fever of unknown origin fibromatosis fibromuscular dysplasia fibrosarcoma fibrous dysplasia fibular hemimelia flail chest flat feet floater floating harbor syndrome focal dermal hypoplasia focal hand dystonia folie à deux follicular lymphoma folliculitis folliculitis decalvans food allergy foot and mouth disease foot drop foreign body foreign body granuloma foreign body in alimentary tract fournier gangrene fourth cranial nerve palsy foville ' s syndrome freckle fregoli delusion freiberg disease friedreich ataxia frontal lobe disorder frontometaphyseal dysplasia frontotemporal dementia frostbite fryns syndrome gait abnormality galactorrhea galactosialidosis galeazzi fracture gallbladder cancer gallstone gamekeeper ' s thumb gamma chain deficiency ganglion cyst ganglioneuroma gangrene gangrene and necrosis of lung ganser syndrome gardasil gastric antral vascular ectasia gastric volvulus gastrointestinal bleeding gastrointestinal perforation general infection general paresis of the insane genu recurvatum genu valgum genu varum germ cell tumor gerodermia osteodysplastica gianotti – crosti syndrome giant cell tumor of bone giant condyloma acuminatum gigantism gilbert syndrome gitelman syndrome glioblastoma multiforme globus pharyngis glomerulopathy glomerulosclerosis glucagonoma glutaric aciduria type 1 glycoproteinosis gonadal dysgenesis graft versus host disease graham little syndrome granular cell tumor granuloma granuloma faciale granulosa cell tumour graves ' ophthalmopathy gray baby syndrome group a streptococcal infection growth hormone deficiency haemobilia haemophilia hairy tongue halitosis hallucination hallux rigidus hallux varus halo nevus hamartoma hammer toe hand eczema hangover headache head and neck cancer head injury heart arrhythmia heartburn heart failure heart valve disease heberden ' s node heimlich maneuver hemangioblastoma hematemesis hematochezia hematocolpos hematoma hematosalpinx hematuria hemianopia hemicrania continua hemifacial microsomia hemimelia hemiplegia hemoperitoneum hemophilia hemoptysis hemothorax hepatic cyst hepatic hemangioma hepatitis a hepatitis b hepatitis d hepatitis e hepatocellular carcinoma hepatomegaly hepatosplenomegaly hereditary angioedema hern herpes simplex virus keratitis herpesviral encephalitis herpetic gingivostomatitis heterochromia iridum heterophoria heyde ' s syndrome hibernoma hiccups hidrocystoma high altitude pulmonary edema hill – sachs lesion hinman syndrome hip dysplasia hip fracture hirsuties coronae glandis hirsutism histiocytosis horseshoe kidney hospital acquired infection hospitalism hottentotism hughes stovin syndrome human cytomegalovirus human papillomavirus infection human parainfluenza viruses human pregnancy humerus fracture hydrocele hydrocolpos hydrops fetalis hydrothorax hyperacusis hyperammonemia hyperandrogenism hypercapnia hypercholesterolemia hyperdontia hyperemesis gravidarum hypereosinophilic syndrome hyperesthesia hypergonadism hyperhidrosis hyper igm syndrome hyperinsulinism hyperkalemia hyperkinetic heart syndrome hyperlipidemia hypermagnesemia hypermobility syndrome hypernatremia hyperoxaluria hyperpigmentation hypersalivation hypersexuality hypertelorism hypertensive emergency hyperthecosis hypertonia hypertriglyceridemia hyperuricemia hypervitaminosis hypervolemia hyphema hypoactive sexual desire disorder hypoalbuminemia hypocalcaemia hypochloremia hypochondrogenesis hypochondroplasia hypoesthesia hypoglossia hypogonadism hypokalemia hypomania hyponatremia hypophosphatemia hypopigmentation hypoproteinemia hyposmia hypotension hypothermia hypotonia hypovolemia icd 10 version : 2010 icd 10 who version 2013 ice cream headache ichthyosis ichthyosis hystrix idiopathic hypersomnia idiot id reaction ileus iliotibial band syndrome immunodeficiency impotence inclusion cell disease incontinentia pigmenti achromians infantile acne infectious disease inferior vena cava syndrome infertility infestation ingrown nail inherited metabolic disorder insect bite in situ pulmonary adenocarcinoma insomnia insulinoma intellectual disability intention tremor intercostal neuralgia interrupted aortic arch intertrigo intestinal malrotation intracranial aneurysm intracranial hemorrhage intracranial sinus thrombosis intraductal carcinoma inverted nipple iodine deficiency iron deficiency iron deficiency anemia iron gluconate iron overload irritant diaper dermatitis ischaemic heart disease itch jacobsen syndrome janeway lesion jarisch herxheimer reaction jaundice jefferson fracture jet lag johanson blizzard syndrome joint dislocation joint effusion joint pain jones fracture jugular foramen syndrome juvenile xanthogranuloma kanner ' s syndrome kasabach – merritt syndrome kashin – beck disease kayser – fleischer ring keloid keratoacanthoma keratoconjunctivitis sicca keratoglobus keratosis kerion keshan disease ketonuria ketosis kidney stone kienbock ' s disease kindler syndrome klatskin ' s tumor klebsiellosis kleefstra syndrome kleine levin syndrome kluver bucy syndrome knee osteoarthritis kniest dysplasia kohler ' s disease